- COMMAND: Everybody else: Say "COMMAND: Mad: Shoot da Tentagib" and "COMMAND: Ener: Dodge" until -ak- finally draws it...Maybe that'll help.
And -ak- is glad to finally update!
- COMMAND: MADDOX: Cut a HOLE in the ROOF of the RTS, and throw a grenade up there. If it's not dead by then, HOLD DAT TRIGGER DOWN!COMMAND: MADDOX: SHOOT
COMMAND: ENER: LOOK AWAYCommand: Maddox: Open fire on the tentacles.
Command: Ener: Flip the fuck out.COMMAND: Maddox: JUST SHOOT THE TENTACLE ENTITY!!
COMMAND: Ener: dodge!Command: Maddox: Say, "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZAH" and then fire your laser at the tentacle monster.Command: Maddox: When firing your LAZAH, pretend you're SHOOP DA WHOOPing.
Oh for the... Comon! Cool, dammit!
Grawr? It's over?
It retreated back up. Equip yourself! I got overheat!
That's nice. That's means you can fight now!
Oh, dammit. Pick up your crowbar!
It gonna come barging inside!!!