Zerpentos's theories
Posted: 05 Jan 2019 08:46
A (Mathematical) Study of the Submachine's Development and Theories on Its Existence (Coordinate Systems Theory)
Theory history: Submitted 2010-01-29, Likely 2011-04-11, Still alive 2014-04-06
Flash location: 051
Theory history: Submitted 2010-06-29, Likely 2011-04-11
Theory history: Submitted 2010-01-29, Likely 2011-04-11, Still alive 2014-04-06
Flash location: 051
A Study and Theory of Light and Energy in the Submachine Network (Sub-Energy, Wisdom Gem, and Light Theory)Preface
Despite an abundance of theories and the occurrence of much research and exploration, the Submachine remains a mystery. However, few studies have addressed the technological and mathematical features of the Submachine and the Submachine Network (Subnet).
This essay will examine the historical development of the Submachine from a generally mathematical perspective and will derive a conclusion from this account.
History and Development
Defining the Submachine
In order to construct an account of the history of the Subnet, we must first define the Submachine. The consensus is that a Submachine is a terminal with a coordinate input. When a coordinate has been set and a button has been pressed, an algorithm is executed and the user is transported to the location at the set coordinate. Essentially, the Submachine is a teleportation device - a portal. This is the definition that this essay uses, but note that a Submachine could also be the collective term for a location that a portal is situated in.
Root Submachines
The first Submachine was first established in 1904 by an unnamed scientist. In those decades past, technology was rather primitive by modern standards. Despite this, the scientist was able to create something that was far ahead of the 20th century.
This first Submachine has been given the name of the Root, and based on qualitative observations, seems to be located in a large and underground cavern – hence the name “submachine” – submerged machine.
Features of the Root include a lighting system connected in series, speakers/microphones, cables, and the much-studied “observation room”. This observation room was presumably installed much later on, in the 1950s, perhaps due to the availability of video technology.
Nevertheless, we see a lack of artificial intelligence, and instead, a large array of devices with specific tasks that are designed to be used manually by humans. Something else to note is that the kinds of devices in use seem to work in conjunction as a sort of infrastructure for a testing environment. Could the Submachine have been a human project?
We then have the actual Submachine. It is a device located in the middle of this initial chamber which, using a set of two variables (most likely x and y of the Cartesian coordinate system), is able to teleport the user to a specific location. This location is determined by the coordinate input, which is done via a set of six cipher plates.
If there are six cipher plates and two possible variable combinations, then we know there must be a maximum of 43 different locations that can be travelled to. The sets of ordered pairs are:
- 00-06
- 10-16 (no 11)
- 20-26 (no 22)
- 30-36 (no 33)
- 40-46 (no 44)
- 50-56 (no 55)
- 60-66 (no 66)
These sets are only found in the first quadrant of the two-dimensional Cartesian plane, QI. This implies that the first Submachine does not encompass negative coordinates and therefore cannot expand its functions into QII, QIII and QIV.
It is evident the first Submachine functions in a very systematic manner. For example, using ‘a’ as the left cipher slot and ‘b’ as the right cipher slot:
User inputs a.
If a = 0, set x = 0 in (x,y).
User inputs b.
If b = 0, set y = 0 in (x,y).
From database, (x,y)=(0,0)=_origin
Therefore, send user to _origin.
This essay will refer to the first Submachine as the “Root Submachine” and will treat it as a type of Submachine.
xyz Submachines
A Submachine that is more familiar to us is the three-coordinate one. It seems more compact, independent, and has a larger range of function. It is no longer attached to large sets of cables and pipes, but rather, functions on its own. This suggests it has a built-in power source. Furthermore, it encompasses three coordinate variables: x, y and z.
Like the Root Submachine, this newer Submachine can still only function in QI (it has no negative coordinate support), but now on a three-dimensional plane. This provides a far larger magnitude of locations it can encompass, as shown by this example, using a = x, b = y, and c = z.
User inputs a.
If a = 2, set x = 2 in (x,y,z).
User inputs b.
If b = 5, set y = 5 in (x,y,z).
User inputs c.
If c = 7, set z = 7 in (x,y,z).
From database, (x,y,z)=(2,5,7)=_257
Therefore, send user to _257.
Another interesting feature to note about both Submachine models is that they support a maximum coordinate value of only 9 or less (0 ≤ x ≤ 9). Note that the Root model can potentially exceed this feature, provided there is evidence of more than 9 types of cipher plates – location 553 suggests such a possibility as it has space for 12 cipher plates.
It is also necessary to consider the Loop, which has been theorized to be the true form of the Submachine. What is so interesting about the Loop is that it is an incredible step ahead of past Submachine technology. Although we do not teleport from coordinate to coordinate, we move around in coordinates, as shown to us by a device we pick up.
Even though this coordinate system functions only on a two-dimensional level (x,y), it features a domain of {xєZ} and a range of {yєZ}, meaning it expands infinitely in both directions. We now have a system that supports all four quadrants. In addition, the human authorship we perceived earlier now seems to start diminishing, and it becomes possible that the Loop is not a creation of man but of the Submachine itself.
Let's take the defense system area as another example of this. We finally see a fully fledged three-dimensional and ({xєZ},{yєZ}) system when viewing the Subnet Infestation Map. We can logically assume that the Core, notated by C, is the origin, (0,0). If so, we have an infinite expanse in both positive and negative directions.
To prove the three-dimensional concept for a final instance, we can examine the grid that appears before we leave for the Subnet Defense System in the S1 Mover. The grid shows three axes, clearly x, y, and z, indicating a three-dimensional travel path. The Mover itself travels on the z axis.
It is evident that over time, humans departed from the Submachine as it became a more self-maintaining system. It is unclear whether the humans or the Submachine itself developed the artificial intelligence that is observable in the Edge, but the point is that the artificial intelligence exists. Whereas the Root was clearly maintained by humans, such a human-based system is no longer necessary in the Edge. Instead, self-updating graphs and various algorithms (i.e. protocols) can be found in the binary layers of the Subnet Defense System. The Subnet Defense System is able to collect results and behave accordingly as dictated by the protocols.
However, because the System can be accessed by physical terminals, some form of maintenance must still occur. This is no doubt performed by sub-bots, who function very systematically. Sub-bots are integral to the maintenance infrastructure in the Subnet Defense System. This is found in the form of identity cards, personal identification number (pIDN) entry points, and connection pod terminals. At certain moments, the binary program of the Subnet Defense System can request assistance with repairing a function – it cannot fix itself and requires external aid.
In expansion, sub-bots are known to visit xyz coordinates and ensure that everything is functional. Evidence of this can be found in location 947, where a pipe breakage has caused a loss of 20% of sub-energy harvested from a wisdom gem. A sub-bot has left a report in that location specifying details. It is unknown what will occur afterwards, but it is likely that the event is recorded in a large “library” or “archive” in the Edge, or perhaps even in the Core.
Absolute and Relative Coordinates
This essay postulates two kinds of coordinate systems – absolute and relative. The absolute coordinates are the ones that the three-variable Submachines make use of. Relative coordinates are positions relative to an absolute coordinate.
Legacy of the Root
The Root Submachine was not totally abandoned after newer Submachines came into play. An example is required to illustrate this.
The absolute coordinate for the Root is 552. However, relative to itself, the Root is at (0,0). Cipher plates allow movement from this relative origin to other points. They could be used to move to a location like (1,2). Although one would be 1 x-unit and 2 y-units away from the origin, they would still be in 552. This suggests that xyz coordinates are not point locations, but instead, cubes or spheres of volume.
Whether each different absolute coordinate has different cipher plate designs or not is unknown at this time. However, this would not matter since different Root Submachines are totally independent of each other.
Cipher plate terminals have been found in other coordinates since the commencement of the Submachine Network Exploration Experience project. Such coordinates include 076, 218, 378, 553, and 837.
The Loop, and loops in general, function via the absolute and relative coordinate systems. Each individual loop has its own relative origin, and then expands infinitely in both x and y directions relative to this origin. However, each individual loop is also absolutely located on a large two- or perhaps three-dimensional and infinite grid. When in the Loop, the teleportation device is activated, it is possible that it selects a random absolute coordinate and teleports the user there.
The Subnet is an array of independent locations interconnected by teleportation devices called Submachines. This system is based on several coordinate planes – the largest being infinitely expanding in all directions (x, y and z). The Submachine was once a human project which progressively became more advanced and self-maintaining. Currently, all exploration in the Subnet is being done in QI, but if the spherical model of the Submachine is correct, more advanced Submachines, more advanced Submachines with negative coordinate support will allow the other three quadrants to be explored.
- A Submachine is a teleportation device that functions on a coordinate system.
- The Submachine’s coordinate system has developed over time. It was first two-dimensional and had a finite range. It then became three-dimensional and developed a range of -∞ ≤ x,y,z ≤ ∞.
- There are two types of coordinates – absolute and relative.
- Absolute coordinates are like the xyz coordinates and are defined with an origin (perhaps the Core) as a frame of reference.
- Relative coordinates are combinations of cipher plates.
- Each absolute coordinate may have its own set of relative coordinates.
- Thus, each xyz Submachine may have its own Root Submachine.
- As a result, xyz coordinates are not point locations, but spheres or cubes of volume.
- The Submachine Network (Subnet) can expand indefinitely.
- Humans created the Submachine and were central in its early stages.
- As they continued developing it, they eventually left it, and it independently grew to maintain itself and expand on its own.
- Most Submachines, the Edge, and perhaps the Core are all maintained by sub-bots, which continue to update a sort of "maintenance library" or "maintenance archive".
051 image 2.png (not found)
I credit any other researchers and theorists who contributed to this essay, or pointed out any flaws. Please excuse any inaccuracies in this essay. It was a long study to write, but I do hope that it furthers Submachine and/or general Subnet theory.
Theory history: Submitted 2010-06-29, Likely 2011-04-11
Throughout our many adventures in the Submachine Network (Subnet), there have been few places which are without illumination. In many coordinates of the Subnet, we are able to see details around us quite clearly without the aid of any directly apparent source of light.
This essay will investigate the source of light that seems to illuminate the Subnet.
The Concept of Sub-Energy
Sub-energy is a hypothesized kind of energy that exists only in the Submachine and is almost omnipresent.
On a side note, one prestigious researcher in particular has noted the inevitable occurrence of amnesia in the Subnet. It is very well possible that this is a result of constant exposure to sub-energy. Further research should be conducted on this.
(This section will be expanded upon later.)
The Wisdom Gem
Primarily, we must examine the qualities of light of wisdom gems themselves. Often, wisdom gems have been found dull, transparent, and submissive to the force of gravity (i.e. lying on the ground). There have been occasions where wisdom gems have been found colored, glowing, spinning, and resistive to the force of gravity (i.e. floating). This variation of properties will be examined later, but what is important to note is that wisdom gems can and do emit light themselves.
It is axiomatic to say that the wisdom gem is a source of power. Much evidence exists to support this claim.
A wisdom gem powers a portion of the ladder system in the lighthouse ruins.
Three wisdom gems are used to power the movement system for the Section 1 mover.
Three wisdom gems are acting as a source of power in coordinate 010.
Two wisdom gems found in 241 are found powering one floodlight each.
A single wisdom gem is being harvested for energy (80%) in coordinate 947.
Ultimately, how does the generation of power via sub-energy relate to light?
Radiation as a Result of Energy Transformation
No process is 100% efficient, or so states the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We assume that this law holds true in the Subnet. Evidence for this is quite abundant – things break, metal rusts, energy coils are used up, etc. (the only evidence to refute this claim is the time-reversing mechanism in the Chronon, but this is unrelated to this particular study). Essentially, entropy (disorder) is always increasing.
Now because no process is 100% efficient, not all of the sub-energy in a wisdom gem can be completely converted into, say, electrical energy that powers a floodlight. Throughout the process, only a certain percentage of this sub-energy will become electrical energy. The rest of the energy becomes thermal energy (heat), sound energy, and more importantly, radiation energy (light).
This radiation energy is very apparent during the process of energy conversion. Referring once more to the floodlights in 241, the electrical effects are clearly visible. However, this essay theorizes that this energy is not immediately dispersed. Instead, it behaves like radioactive isotopes, having a half-life. Over time, the radiation energy decays, but it still provides light that is sufficiently capable of illuminating locations.
Note that this radiation energy is not stationary – it spreads out over a location. This behavior explains why a large area can be illuminated even though a wisdom gem within is present in only one room.
Connections Energy Transformation and Wisdom Gem Properties
From the work many theorists have done in the Submachine, it would appear that wisdom gems are dull, transparent, and submissive to gravity when they have not been used for an extended period of time, or have been used to a very minimal extent (for example, the ladder system in the lighthouse ruins).
Wisdom gems appear to be colored (green and cyan have been found) and uncolored (white), glowing, and resistive to gravity when they have recently been used or are presently being used.
This essay postulates that wisdom gems spin and float due to circulation and movement of energy when they are active or have recently been active.
A wisdom gem will circulate energy in a clockwise or anti-clockwise manner. It will therefore spin clockwise or anti-clockwise, or be spun clockwise or anti-clockwise by the energy.
Wisdom gems move up and down due to the spontaneous movement of wisdom energy within a confined space. When most of the energy is at the top, the wisdom gem will rise, and when the energy is concentrated at the bottom, it will fall.
Hence, when a wisdom gem is not active, the sub-energy is in a “standby state” and is not circulated nor vibrated. This is why the wisdom gem loses its active properties and ceases to move.
A Secondary Explanation For the Presence of Light due to Wisdom Gems
Although the production of light via sub-energy transformation is a good start, it is too narrow a cause. It requires the occurrence of a specific event in the Subnet. In this section, this essay aims to formulate a more general thesis for the production of light.
Note that in the beginning, one of the characteristics of wisdom gems was that they glow when they are active. It is possible that the sub-energy this essay defined earlier is responsible for this production of light. Perhaps "light" is actually a property of sub-energy!
When a wisdom gem is active, sub-energy circulates and moves around it. It is possible that in this perpetual motion, a lot of sub-energy is released into the environment. This supports the aforementioned Second Law of Thermodynamics - less sub-energy is "grouped" and becomes scattered. As a result, disorder (entropy) increases.
However, how can a wisdom gem remain such a vast source of energy if it is constantly losing it to the environment? Possibly because it can contain so much sub-energy in a tightly-compressed space. Perhaps a wisdom gem could be a minuscule "pocket dimension" which has much more 3D space within than perceived externally, and could thereby contain joules upon joules of energy. This supports many other prestigious researchers' theories about wisdom gems being vast nodes of energy. Another explanation is that wisdom gems absorb energy at a much faster rate than emit it.
This does not mean that wisdom gems can store an infinite amount of energy. Once a wisdom gem will approach its maximum energy capacity, it will simply stop absorbing sub-energy. However, it may continue to absorb sub-energy at a very small rate to compensate for any energy losses due to sub-energy radiation.
Rooms with No or Artificial Light
There are various areas in the Subnet that have little to no light. Such areas include the lighthouse ruins and the Root itself. From the explorations of many Submachine researchers, it has been found that they are powered by artificial light sources like networks of lamps.
This leads to an important implication – many areas that are currently illuminated in the Subnet that do not have artificial sources of light many have or have once housed wisdom gems.
This is quite plausible because as far as is known, wisdom gems are not necessarily scarce – they seem to be abundant. It is hypothesized that they are perceived to be “rare” due to the difficulties in locating and retrieving them. Already, eleven are known to be in the Subnet, and given the ratio of the size of areas we have explored to the size of the entire Subnet, wisdom gem density per unit area is rather high.
Case Studies
The following case studies are examples of how light is present and produced in randomly selected regions of the Subnet.
The Basement
Light: Yes
Artificial Sources of Light: No
Wisdom Gem: Yes (1)
Lighthouse Ruins
Light: Little
Artificial Sources of Light: Yes
Wisdom Gem: No
Although a wisdom gem is utilized here, its power transformation is minimal and is later disabled.
Looping Traps
Light: Yes (Bright)
Artificial Sources of Light: Yes
Wisdom Gem: No
As far as is known – the looping traps are immense and could house many wisdom gems that would hypothetically be nearly impossible to find.
The Root
Light: Yes (Dim) Artificial Sources of Light: Yes
Wisdom Gem: No
Although a wisdom gem is found here, it is disabled.
Location: Drop Zone 1, 010
Light: Yes (Bright)
Artificial Sources of Light: No
Wisdom Gem: Yes (3)
Location: Drop Zone 1, 241
Light: Yes (Dim)
Artificial Sources of Light: Yes
Wisdom Gem: Yes (2)
It is possible that the floodlights are what give off light in the region. However, one could argue that their concentrative nature (i.e. they focus light at one point rather than illuminating a large region) would make light in region behind them inexistent. This is what the wisdom gems perhaps illuminate.
Location: Drop Zone 1, 947
Light: Yes (Dim)
Artificial Sources of Light: No
Wisdom Gem: Yes (1)
The wisdom gems and their behavior are responsible for the mysterious and apparently sourceless light in much of the Subnet.
(This section will be expanded upon later.)
- There is a type of energy, defined as "sub-energy", that is specific to and nearly omnipresent in the Subnet.
- Randomly-moving sub-energy is responsible for the lighting in many locations where there are no apparent sources of light.
- Exposure to sub-energy may result in amnesia.
Wisdom Gems
- Wisdom gems harness, store, and compress sub-energy in the Submachine's effort to:
-- Create new sources of energy.
-- Reduce entropy (disorder).
- Wisdom gems emit sub-energy as some escapes into the environment due to its circulatory motion.
Other Sources of Light
- The sub-energy stored by wisdom gems is responsible for their behavioral patterns.
- Wisdom gems, through transformation of sub-energy, emit radiation energy (light).
- Light emitted by wisdom gems has a half-life and lingers about, illuminating areas.
- Areas that are illuminated without artificial light house or may have once housed one or more wisdom gems.
(This section will be revised later).
I credit any other researchers and theorists who contributed to this essay, or pointed out any flaws. Please excuse any inaccuracies in this essay. It was a long study to write, but I do hope that it furthers the Submachine and/or general Subnet theory.