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Subbot smasher's theories

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:06
by Jatsko
Super-weapon Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-10-25, Doubtful 2013-01-27, Debunked 2016-01-15
The Subnet is building a WED (weapon of Extreme destruction) to completely destroy humanity. It intends to use the Loop as a particle accelerator, then teleport supercharged particles to Earth, creating explosions that would make the A-bomb look like a firework. (the Loop is the "i" on the sub6 map, standing for Infinite something) Mur, realizing that the Sub is nearing completion, is growing desperate to destroy the Core, is merely willing to sacrifice 7 to save 7 Billion.
Green Gem Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-10-25, Doubtful 2013-01-27, Debunked 2016-01-15
The Green wisdom gem is (or was) the CPU of the Sub's AI, with the gray ones being lesser copies, (explaining why there are several near the root, they were critical in the Sub's early developement.
Player is Player Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-10-25, Doubtful 2014-11-05, Still alive 2016-01-15
The Player in game is merely a representation of the real player. We may get some background (ie, we were part of the lab prior to Sub 1 but fell victim to the amnesia effect) but our name, gender, or life before Sub won't be revealed.
Scrapper Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-10-25, Still alive 2013-01-27, Likely 2014-11-05, Confirmed 2016-01-15
The submachine absorbs human structures, which it then harvests for materials to build locations like the loop, the edge and the core before leaving them to drift in its vastness
Gem Warp Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-10-25, Doubtful 2013-01-27, Still alive 2014-11-05, Debunked 2016-01-15
It all started in the early 1800s. A promising young architect named Sir Henry O'Toole was overseeing the construction of his Kent Lighthouse. While looking over the cliffs, he noticed a hidden entrance to some ancient ruins. Inside, he found a cache of strange gemstones; which we now refer to as wisdom gems. He kept these for himself for a few years, until he was hired to build an "exquisite" winter palace for a king. In order to complete the job, he had to incorporate his gems into the design. However, a few months after it's completion, the palace simply disappeared. In reality, the palace was transported to and split between seven dimensional layers. On Earth, the Kent ruins lay unnoticed for decades, until a hiker named Murtaugh got lost and wound up near the lighthouse. He and a team archaeologists uncovered a single wisdom gem. The gem somehow gave Mur's arm its powers. The experience compelled him to take up residence in the unused lighthouse. Unfortunately, archaeologists and scientists later tinkered with gems hidden in nearby ruins, which caused a rift that sucked up the root, ruins and the lighthouse, and also sparked the growth of the outer rim.