BEAST (forum story) - Chapter 1
Posted: 09 Feb 2015 15:04
Link to prologue chapter
Link to discussion thread
-one command at a time (except for straightforward commands. no huge lists, please).
-you can make silly commands, but there is a limit. don't cross it.
-try to stay on topic. if I see more than a page of off topic, all characters are killed instantly and a puppy dies.
-characters can die because of bad commands. be careful.
-respect other users and don't make fun of them.
-story may have mature content.
-I'll update the story whenever I can. some cases I may take a few minutes, some cases I may take days. don't rush me please
-last but not least, this is my first forum story, more like an experiment. It's likely that I'll make many mistakes, but that's part of my learning process. feel free to criticize at the end of each chapter.