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Re: anime

Posted: 11 Dec 2016 17:19
by Bloodhit

Re: anime

Posted: 11 Dec 2016 17:43
by Isobel The Sorceress
Yuri on Ice! <3

Re: anime

Posted: 11 Dec 2016 20:19
by reed
watching right now: Aoi Bungaku. adapted mainly from Dazai and Akutagawa.
ah, there's also Mushishi, my favourite. very calm and astonishingly beautiful.

Re: anime

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 15:45
by Jatsko
So last night I put some time aside to watch "BLAME!", a movie on the American Netflix.

Background: "BLAME!" was originally a manga created by Tsutomu Nihei, and also happens to be a main source of inspiration for the game "NaissanceE". I've never read the manga, but I've been interested in getting my hands on it because from what I've heard about the manga is that it differs from others in that there's very little dialogue and the story is mainly told through the scenery and artwork. Which you can guess, if the game inspired NaissanceE, is quite heavy on stark, sharp, and futuristic architecture.

So this was turned into a feature-length anime, with colors added, and I watched this expecting to see some stuff straight out of NaissanceE, and I was NOT disappointed in the slightest. And there's some stuff in there that is also very visually appealing to the Submachine fan in me as well.

I would encourage everyone to look up this anime, do some screenshot research, and consider it. Plus it's got scary mechanical monsters in it (SUBLEVEL TAKE NOTE) and the mechanical scenery is beautiful. Just a thought.

Re: anime

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 18:47
by RoentgenDevice
Jatsko wrote:So last night I put some time aside to watch "BLAME!", a movie on the American Netflix.
Three weeks or so ago, NaissanceE entered my mind again- and I found out about the Manga that inspired it. The next day, PewDiePie released the video "My favourite Manga", which turned out to be BLAME!. Magic
Anyways, I really want to read it but the books are expensive. I'll definitely watch the Anime if you say it's good as well.

Re: anime

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 18:57
by Jatsko
I watched that video as well, and recommended that Pewds play NaissanceE if he hasn't already (I don't know if he has on his free time or not); I would imagine he would love it if he holds the manga to close to himself.

Re: anime

Posted: 16 Jun 2017 12:44
by WorldisQuiet5256
reed wrote:there's also Mushishi, my favourite. very calm and astonishingly beautiful.
It's is so nice, like a 'free-range scp' type of thing. I'm almost done with the series.

...planning to watch Elfen Lied next. Hope I ready for that ride.

Re: anime

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 15:53
by reed
the thing of the day -- Paprika
wonderfully twisted
also, I instantly fell in love with the soundtrack, which almost never happens

Re: anime

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 21:52
by RoentgenDevice
For the first time ever in my life, I actually watched an anime series (all the way through)!!

It was "Serial Experiments Lain" and really something - told in a seemingly impenetrable, lynchian way. It's basically about a girl exploring a virtual construct that resembles the internet, but is FAR more... evolved. The mood and trains of thought are interesting.


Re: anime

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 01:07
by reed
Oh, interesting. I'll check it out.