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Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 17:28
by Sublevel 113
also, did you find any secret summons?
secrets? no... or yes, but I didn't know that it was secret. XD
But come on, the typesummoning part was completely obvious...
This puzzle is less difficult for you than Sub8 secret puzzles?.. Lol

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 17:39
by Vortex
This puzzle is less difficult for you than Sub8 secret puzzles?.. Lol
It was very easy for me, I'm telling the truth...
maybe I'm just good at typesummoning? I remember I was the first one to finish CF4 XD

EDIT: but overall I agree that it's more difficult than Submachine. Still not more than DMT3 though :P

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 17:45
by Sublevel 113
maybe I'm just good at typesummoning? I remember I was the first one to finish CF4 XD
I finished CF4 in 10-15 mins too.
In Symbyosis I typed what-was-written-on-paper. And only after 15 minutes I tried to replace symbols in words. :P

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 17:56
by Vortex
I guess I probably had a bit of luck. Sometimes it's a matter of luck whether you solve something quickly or you get completely stuck only to say afterwards "how can I have missed that?". Brain does that kind of things sometimes :P
Even the name of the game goes well with that. Synapsis is a thing related to neurons, not?

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 13:26
by The Abacus
Synapsis is a thing related to neurons, not?
Yes, I looked it up once. There is also a definition of it in the book found in the Knowledge room in Synap1.
Wait, what?
Circle puzzle
Which one? So many puzzles have circles or are just large circles themselves (I can name 2 from Synap2).
The one in the room War? That's called an enigma machine.

EDIT: Sublevel, have you finished it? I'm curious to what you think of The Void.

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 17:58
by Sublevel 113
The one in the room War? That's called an enigma machine.
Hey wait! I meant "spark of life" machine! War puzzle was easy for my.

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 13:38
by The Abacus
I have a list of games that have an interesting atmosphere, but I'm not sure whether to put them on the forum of not (I don't know if would seem like spam or something of the sort).

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:27
by bender
Ask Mateusz

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 22:53
I played synapsis a long time ago. There 1 secret in both games, both appear rarely when goin back to the halls. In S1: TVface. In S2: Creepy shadow ghost. The game was not hard to me.

And about the similarities with submachine: The game always make me remember SubFLF.

Re: Synapsis series

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 22:11
yesterday i won Cyclomaniacs Epic (or Cyclomaniacs 3). Is a game created by Turbo Nuke, that is a cooperation between Robotjam (the creator of synapsis series), and Longanimals, for creating mainly racing games. In the "strange" ending of Cyclomaniacs Epic says that Synapsis 3 is coming.