Polls thread

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Your two favorite game genres?

Action Platform
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Action Shooter
Action Survival
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Total votes: 14
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Sublevel 113
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Polls thread

Post by Sublevel 113 »

as it says: it's thread for polls

if someone wants to post poll: write here, and I replace old poll with your's

feel free to ask anything you want, questions from all possible directions.

you can leave vote, but you also can freely write your choice, if you want other people to know what you chose

probe poll

for 4 days


Your favorite Submachine? (in main series)
Poll ended at 07 Oct 2015, 00:05
Basement 0% [ 0 ]
Lighthouse 11% [ 1 ]
Loop 0% [ 0 ]
Lab 33% [ 3 ]
Root 0% [ 0 ]
Edge 0% [ 0 ]
Core 22% [ 2 ]
Plan 11% [ 1 ]
Temple 22% [ 2 ]
Total votes : 9

Did you forgive Mur for his betrayal?
Poll ended at 12 Oct 2015, 11:50
yes 14% [ 1 ]
no 29% [ 2 ]
he didn't betray anyone 57% [ 4 ]
Total votes : 7

What are your favorite Pastel Food? (Up to 3 options can be choosen)
Poll ended at 9 Nov 2015, 14:32
Watermelons 23% [ 3 ]
MurCo. Popcorn 23% [ 3 ]
Oranges and Orange Juice 8% [ 1 ]
Raxas' Sandvich! 0% [ 0 ]
Lemons :3 0% [ 0 ]
Loaf Of Bread 15% [ 2 ]
Rednoob's Black Forest Cake 0% [ 0 ]
Canned Onions with OIV+ 8% [ 1 ]
Leche Encantada de Bender 0% [ 0 ]
Secret Gumballs 23% [ 3 ]
Total votes: 13

How do you prefer to call inhabitants of Pastel Lands?
Poll ended at 16 Nov 2015 14:41
Pastelians 33% [ 2 ]
Pasties 33% [ 2 ]
Pastelites 0% [ 0 ]
Pastellanders 0% [ 0 ]
Pastel Citizen 0% [ 0 ]
Pasteloids 0% [ 0 ]
Pastelans 0% [ 0 ]
Pastelishs 0% [ 0 ]
Pastel-Landians 0% [ 0 ]
Other 33% [ 2 ]
Total votes : 6

Who do you think is right about the fact that Sub10 is still in 70%?
Poll ended at 28 Nov 2015, 06:41
AK & Vortex (Puzzles related stuff is taking a lot of work from Mateusz) 43% [ 3 ]
ENIHCAMBUS (Mateusz is adding more rooms because there weren't many enough when he counted them) 14% [ 1 ]
Rulocore (Mateusz wants to do a Beyoncé) 14% [ 1 ]
None, Mateusz is probably taking a recess 0% [ 0 ]
None, they could be other reasons 29% [ 2 ]
Total votes: 7

How often do you play Submachine?
Poll ended at 12 Jan 2016, 23:14
Every day! 14% [ 1 ]
One time per week (more or less) 0% [ 0 ]
One time per month (more or less) 0% [ 0 ]
One time per season (more or less) 57% [ 4 ]
One time per year (more or less) 29% [ 2 ]
Never replay it after release 0% [ 0 ]
Total votes : 7

Your favorite Submachine? (in main series)

Basement 0% [ 0 ]
Lighthouse 0% [ 0 ]
Loop 0% [ 0 ]
Lab 0% [ 0 ]
Root 0% [ 0 ]
Edge 13% [ 1 ]
Core 13% [ 1 ]
Plan 13% [ 1 ]
Temple 0% [ 0 ]
Exit 63% [ 5 ]
Total votes : 8

Did you ever write fanfictions?
Poll ended at 24 May 2016, 15:52
Yes 67% [ 4 ]
No 33% [ 2 ]
Total votes : 6

What of these projects would be released/continued first?
Poll ended at 14 Aug 2016, 00:00
1) Half Life 3 [ 3 ]
1) Beyond Zero Tolerance [ 0 ]
1) Submachine 11 [ 1 ]
1) Fog Fall 5 [ 2 ]
1) Pastel Community Game [ 2 ]
2) A'LLUKIN [ 3 ]
2) Story: 60 [ 0 ]
2) Mr. Stick Adventure [ 1 ]
2) BEAST [ 3 ]
2) Submachine: Horror Experience [ 0 ]
Total votes : 15

Who deserves admin's post more?
Poll ended at 1 Oct 2016, 00:00

Vortex 33% [ 4 ]
Enihcambus 8% [ 1 ]
Jatsko 33% [ 4 ]
Gil 8% [ 1 ]
Kakama 0% [ 0 ]
WorldIsQuiet 0% [ 0 ]
Anteroinen 0% [ 0 ]
Anonymous 8% [ 1 ]
Sublevel 0% [ 0 ]
Different user 8% [ 1 ]

Total votes : 12

So... Submachine or Daymare Town? :D
Poll ended at 10 May 2017, 17:00

Submachine [ 9 ]
DayMare Town [ 0 ]
EscapeDaHouse 5 [ 1 ]

Total votes : 10

What noise do you hate the most?
Poll ended at 26 Dec 2017, 11:30

rubbing rubber boots 14% [ 1 ]
rubbing styrofoam 29% [ 2 ]
washing glass 0% [ 0 ]
scratching dishes 14% [ 1 ]
scratching blackboard 43% [ 3 ]
other 0% [ 0 ]

Total votes : 7
Last edited by Sublevel 113 on 26 Dec 2017 09:39, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Polls thread


You should also keep old pool results in a list, because if not then any poll will become pointless.
ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Polls thread

Post by Sublevel 113 »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote:You should also keep old pool results in a list, because if not then any poll will become pointless.
of course I will post poll results
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Re: Polls thread

Post by - ak - »

You should keep track of the poll result in the first post, if you want to. It will make easier to look up different polls.

Voted Sub_7. I had to decide between Sub_4 and 7. I chose 7 because its revelations and plot were more earth-shattering and stunning than Sub_4, even if both games are deemed point-and-click gaming perfection by nearly everybody.
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Re: Polls thread

Post by Anonymous1 »

So where is Sub Universe, 32 Chambers, 0 and FLF at?

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Re: Polls thread


Poll question says "(In main Series)"
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Re: Polls thread

Post by Anonymous1 »

It didn't say that earlier

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Re: Polls thread

Post by Sublevel 113 »

Gemini523 wrote:It didn't say that earlier

submachine mutates in front of your eyes
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Re: Polls thread


But wasn't that editing a pool resets it?
ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Polls thread

Post by Sublevel 113 »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote:But wasn't that editing a pool resets it?
it is

but thing is I didn't edit anything


new poll!
after it ends, feel free to post new poll! :D
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