Rooster5man's theories

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Rooster5man's theories

Post by Rooster5man »

For my first Theory: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator

This is still in the works, considering I haven't done all my research, but as far as I could find, this is the only part of my Theory that has been said, although the Wiki claims it's been said more than once:
We will refer to the energy stored in wisdom gems as “wisdom energy”.
The user is now "Anonymous," perhaps their username is recorded on the Wiki though...Here's the link:


Let's start simple (and restate what's been already Theorized) - Wisdom is an Energy. The Wisdom Gems are a source of energy, as we've seen. Gems, as a whole, seem to store energy (i.e. Karma), so it could be said that Wisdom is also an Energy.

So where does the Navigator fit in? We put the Navigator on our heads. Why our heads? Being we're human, that's where our brains are. What do our brains store? Wisdom, the use of Knowledge.
“We the King
Welcome you in Our Winter Palace
May it be home for those who seek knowledge and repel solitude”
— The King, in the carvings at the entrance.
"Seek knowledge"...Now you may think of it in the literal sense - The Winter Palace and the Gardens are a Library of sorts. However, who's to say it's not "seeking energy?" Finding knowledge to use Wisdom as an energy source.

That being said, Wisdom could have been the predecessor to Karma because, simply put, Wisdom has always existed. If Karma is now destroying the Core, it could be said Karma is fairly new to the SubNet.

To make an analogy, Wisdom is fire and Karma is nuclear energy - New, far more powerful, yet far more destructive, only meant to be tested when Wisdom proved to not be as powerful to meet the needs of the first inhabitors of the SubNet, although still useful.

On a sidenote, I wanted to add how the Beamers' green beam [which, as far as we know, reacts with the Navigator since the Beamers allow new Layers to open up for Navigator users] may also be Wisdom Energy. Possibly there are Wisdom Gems as the power source for the Beamers. [Something along the lines of the green color of the beams and the "Ancient Crystal of Wisdom."]

Background History: This idea actually started by watching a special on the Hindenburg and how a static charge formed between the airship's fabric and the frame (Hydrogen being between and thus ignited by the charge.) If that helps anyone to elaborate, you'll be credited.


For my second Theory: SubNet as Lesson

Going on the Theory that Wisdom is an energy, as is Karma, what do both of these "energies" have in common? Learning experiences.

So the very energy that propels the SubNet is one that gives a person inside it a life lesson. Being the Winter Palace and the Gardens are the model for the SubNet as a whole, it could be said the SubNet was intended to work under that same mantra:
“We the King
Welcome you in Our Winter Palace
May it be home for those who seek knowledge and repel solitude”
— The King, in the carvings at the entrance.
Now why is this important? Take a look at the cultures and people in history spread around the SubNet.The SubNet is a lesson to present and future humans, the lesson that "if you don't learn your history, you're doomed to repeat it."

The SubNet, then, was created with the intention to prevent History from repeating itself by giving people the chance to learn, and, from these learning experiences, give them power - Not just intellectually, but, as Mur demonstrates, physically.

I assume the creators of the SubNet didn't know their peaceful intentions would cause destruction, eventually (as we assume) an AI entering this Haven.

Side-Theory (not part of the main) - With his newfound knowledge from the SubNet, Mur was given his Karma Arm. Liz may have the same powers, but refuses to use them knowing the harm they cause.
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Redafro »

yeah, rooster theory! XD

After reading through this a few times, I decided not to do a line item comment as we usually do, but just give some impressions for now. Firstly, I like the ideas on a symbolic level. It's very interesting that all the ideas of powering the net fit together as well as they do the way you've suggested. I do, however, find it hard to get beyond the feeling that this is a bit of a fanfic stretch simply because we have zero background behind what the wisdom gems even are, or if the term even has any significance. Same with karma. And there has been no inclination in the series to make an explanation yet. A lot of us have speculations on these, which is fine, but it is hard to confirm any of that until we get a quote or note. Still, it is alive and possible, and I give you several bonus points for connecting karma, wisdom, the Kings quote, and cultures in the net as symbolizing the teaching nature of the subnet.

I'll comment more when I get time and it is beefed up a bit. I'm supper busy right now. XD
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Anteroinen »

Very interesting indeed. It doesn't seem to be a huge stretch to postulate your theory, although evidence for it is scarce.

Also, I have though how Elizabeth might have karma powers as well. It is an interesting concept to work on. :lol:
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Rooster5man »

After reading through this a few times, I decided not to do a line item comment as we usually do,
As in picking apart the Theory line by line (as I tend to do), or commenting just a line? :P
I do, however, find it hard to get beyond the feeling that this is a bit of a fanfic stretch simply because we have zero background behind what the wisdom gems even are, or if the term even has any significance. Same with karma. And there has been no inclination in the series to make an explanation yet.
You're absolutely right. I thought last night as (possibly) a major flaw, "Then wouldn't that mean the Explorers should have Karma/Wisdom powers too?"

I realize I have no background, I stringed along general assumptions, so I expected a "Where are the facts?" kind of question, that's absolutely fine.
Still, it is alive and possible, and I give you several bonus points for connecting karma, wisdom, the Kings quote, and cultures in the net as symbolizing the teaching nature of the subnet.
*RedAfro bonus points get achievement* Woot! XD Thank you :D
Also, I have though how Elizabeth might have karma powers as well. It is an interesting concept to work on.
Indeed XD I've been throwing around the idea that she may have Wisdom powers instead - Karma arm, so maybe Wisdom, being stored in the brain, is in her head, being she does seem knowledgable. However, assumptions, so that's why I side-theoried it.
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Ancient Crystal »

You do seem to like comparing karma to nuclear energy. While I'd like to take any potential debate about that somewhere else, may I just say:
If Karma is now destroying the Core, it could be said Karma is fairly new to the SubNet.
Or it has changed fairly radically recently.

The wisdom/energy idea is a little specualtive, thought it seems suprisingly plausible. I belive there was some sort of experiment where they simulated somewhat less than a cubic millimetre of a mouse brain, using some huge supercomputer, and it started giving of the same kind of electromagnetic waves as the original brain would have. While those aren't very powerful, they do give the concept of sentience kind of a "foothold" in modern science. I thought of something similar myself when writing my "specualtion on karma and teleports" theory before leaving it out.
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Rooster5man »

You do seem to like comparing karma to nuclear energy. While I'd like to take any potential debate about that somewhere else
I'd gladly debate about it here, it all relates to the same thing.
Or it has changed fairly radically recently.
And for what reason? It's plausible, but for an energy to just "change radically recently"...It could be spurred by the Mutations, but I can't say for sure.
The wisdom/energy idea is a little specualtive, thought it seems suprisingly plausible. I belive there was some sort of experiment where they simulated somewhat less than a cubic millimetre of a mouse brain, using some huge supercomputer, and it started giving of the same kind of electromagnetic waves as the original brain would have. While those aren't very powerful, they do give the concept of sentience kind of a "foothold" in modern science. I thought of something similar myself when writing my "specualtion on karma and teleports" theory before leaving it out.
Interesting. Not exactly what I was going for (if I read your statement right, you're stating the fact that all parts of the brain are equal to the brain as whole, i.e. the SubNet giving off Wisdom Energy or something to that accord), where I was making the point that Wisdom is to be found through the SubNet, through the life lessons it may give. Although I can admit it's not a solid fact.
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Redafro »

Interesting. I've always been skeptical of terms like "wisdom energy" or "karma energy" because like, wtf are we talking about??? Are they new kinds of electrons? Is it a different pattern of resonance or something? (Just trying to sound sciencey with that one. XD) Is it just that it is normal energy that comes from the odd sources of "wisdom" and "karma?" Or is there something metaphysical going on with karma and wisdom energy?
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Rooster5man »

Interesting. I've always been skeptical of terms like "wisdom energy" or "karma energy" because like, wtf are we talking about??? Are they new kinds of electrons? Is it a different pattern of resonance or something? (Just trying to sound sciencey with that one. XD) Is it just that it is normal energy that comes from the odd sources of "wisdom" and "karma?" Or is there something metaphysical going on with karma and wisdom energy?
Well, a lightbulb went off when you mentioned "resonance." -ak- actually had a post of his answered a while back from Mateusz about that:
Think of layers like parallel universe

They all take same spaces and may have similar features and locations, but they're all different down to fundamental elements of physics and reality and spectrum and frequency and wavelength.

7 layers = 7 dimensions

It just that simple ;)
that is represented by us sumoning the main portal door by striking the gong. frequency of the atom structure manipulation. woah.
So could Wisdom and Karma be specific to the Layers? Regular energy - Light, Wind, etc. - still exist, perhaps, but a new energy formed. Can these energies be used on Layer One?

Regardless, I thought of Wisdom and Karma being energies specific to the SubNet. If Time Travel can exist, why not a new form of energy (or two)? :P

If you don't call Karma "energy," what can it be called? Energy is created through Work, and Mur applied Force - Work - onto the structures he makes Karma Portals on...didn't he?
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Ancient Crystal »

Or it has changed fairly radically recently.
And for what reason? It's plausible, but for an energy to just "change radically recently"...It could be spurred by the Mutations, but I can't say for sure.
I didn't mean the nature of the might have energy changed, only the form it took, so to say.
if I read your statement right, you're stating the fact that all parts of the brain are equal to the brain as whole, i.e. the SubNet giving off Wisdom Energy or something to that accord
You got it all wrong. What I was referring to was that it indicated the existance of a physically plausible description for what we perceive as "wisdom", "knowledge", or any other aspect of the mind, thus opening the possibility for these to affect the physical reality. You said wisdom was energy, did you not?
You do seem to like comparing karma to nuclear energy. While I'd like to take any potential debate about that somewhere else
I'd gladly debate about it here, it all relates to the same thing.
If you wish. I've chosen to see it as a "damaged foundation" of reality, rather than a "destructive force", that's all.
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Re: Wisdom Energy Powers the Navigator + SubNet as Lesson Th

Post by Redafro »

Regardless, I thought of Wisdom and Karma being energies specific to the SubNet. If Time Travel can exist, why not a new form of energy (or two)? :P
Well, and that is likely. It fits in with my theories at least. XP
If you don't call Karma "energy," what can it be called? Energy is created through Work, and Mur applied Force - Work - onto the structures he makes Karma Portals on...didn't he?
Well, fine to call it energy, but my simi-sciencey brain wants to know how it actually works, ya know? The terms end up sounding too ad hoc, like 50's scifi movies. "Good god, that is a laser!" "Correct Dr. Scott, a weapon capable of emitting a beam of pure antimatter." Ha! WTF??? (Yeah, that was Rocky Horror Picture Show, but 50's scifi really did get that ad hoc. XD )

And AC posts while I'm posting!
You got it all wrong. What I was referring to was that it indicated the existance of a physically plausible description for what we perceive as "wisdom", "knowledge", or any other aspect of the mind, thus opening the possibility for these to affect the physical reality. You said wisdom was energy, did you not?
Sounds cool, but we have plausible descriptions: the brain. So what are we adding to the picture with this "energy?"
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